February 17, 2010

Sunday night at church I noticed that Daniel's jeans had a hole in the knee. This is his only pair of jeans.

For the first time, David and Daniel are different sizes. Well, not sizes so much as the cut of the jean has to be different to fit each one.

Today was the first day I had to go find him a pair of jeans. I tried our local resale shop (that I love) and they had NO jeans. So, we headed to our nearest town with any kind of retail stores to find jeans. The poor thing tried on jeans at Walmart, Sears, and JCPenney to no avail! He probably tried on 20-25 pairs of jeans. Size 8,9,and 10. Bootcut, relaxed, loose, straight, skinny straight(which was defintely a NO!), husky and regular. We left with no jeans. Why is it so hard? Right now the only jeans that fit are Gap and Old Navy. So, we will be driving a little bit farther in the next couple of days to buy jeans. Crazy.

But that is not what I wanted to tell you about.

This is!

We went to the mall today in our nearest big town and our nearest big town is known far and wide for its crime. So much so, that I carry my money, phone and keys in my front pocket and not in my purse if I am shopping so if my purse is stolen nothing else will be.

We were in the mall over an hour, trying on jeans and walking from one store to the other. When we walked out of the mall to the parking lot, I looked at the van, I had gotten a front parking spot, and the sliding door was open!

I said "guys, the door is open!"
Samuel said" I know I closed it!"
I said " I know it was closed!"
The only thing I can think of is that when I hit the lock button on my key ring ( I usually hit it 3-4 times) I must have hit the door open button and then the lock button. All the closed doors were locked.

We had 2 Nintendo DS's, my Kindle, 5 coats, a GPS, and a brand new vacuum cleaner still in the box in the van. I was scared to death. We got to the van, and everything was there. EVERYTHING!

I couldn't believe it. God must have put extra angels around and in that van while we were in the mall. I must work those angels overtime, who knows what stupid stuff I do that I don't even realize. I was so thankful to God for watching over me and my stuff.

The funny thing was, when I was driving off the parking lot I looked at my leg and saw what looked like a dead bug or something. I shooed it off of my leg and kept driving. When I stopped to order food at the drive-thru at Wendy's I looked at my steering wheel and there was bird poop on it!

A bird had flown in the door and pooped on my steering wheel and then flew out of the van???!!!! How strange is that?

Hopefully tomorrow won't be this eventful!


  1. I laughed out loud at the bird poop story! I guess your guardian angel was too busy keeping out the thugs to mess with a bird, huh?

    You are a hoot! Give the kids a kiss from me... OK, you can give Stephen a hug!

    Love ya,

  2. you should post this on our blog also. I love this story.

  3. God was sure watching out for you. I do stuff like that too (thinking I locked something). God does have a sense of humor with the bird thing and all.
