August 17, 2010

School is in Session

Yesterday was our first day of school for 2010-2011.

The first day of 7th grade for Samuel. 4th grade for David and Daniel and 1st grade for Anna.

It's hard to believe that I started homeschooling when Anna was 4 months old, and now she is a 1st grader! Wow, time does fly right by!

So, we have two days of school under our belts and so far so good. We have a schedule we are going by that is really helping things go smoothly. I'm sure I will make some changes to it, but for the first two days of school it has seemed to work pretty good.

Tomorrow we have to make a trip to the dentist office. I'm not at all happy that I scheduled an appointment during the first week of school, but at least we can get it over with for the next six months! The kids can take their books with them and do the work on the way.

Hope your first few days of school are going well!

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