January 2, 2011

Stephen and I used to throw New Year's Eve parties. In fact, he kissed me for the very first time at one of them. We both had dates at the party but that didn't stop him. I was shocked! Still am a bit! HA!

17 years and 4 kids later we hardly ever stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve anymore. I know that as Samuel gets older we will have to stay up, just to insure that he comes in on time. Or quite possibly he could pick up where we left off and throw a party of his own. Oh, that makes me feel old and parental.

This New Year's Eve we headed east to my dad's to celebrate Christmas with he and his wife and my aunt, uncle, and cousins. Once we crossed the bridge we headed to the Rendezvous. The kids had never been there, and Stephen and I hadn't been there in well, too long. It was just as I remembered it, except that there was no woman in the bathroom selling sprays of perfume or squirts of lotion. The food was good, and the waiter was amazing.

We had dinner with Dad, Connie and her daughter Nikki at a Mexicon restaurant. It was yummy and then we headed to their house. We opened presents, the kids were loaded down with gifts once again. And Stephen and I fared pretty well also!

Saturday, Abby, Randall and Henry came along with all the other family and we opened presents, ate and had a loud, laughing good time together!

Maybe next year we'll stay up to usher in the new year. Or maybe not!

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