May 5, 2015

Break-ups & Break-downs

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day. I couldn't get enough of it. But by 10:00 I could tell it wasn't going to be a beautiful day in my mind and heart.

One of my kids was hurting for a friend. You know how that is. Our friends hurt, we hurt. It was no different for my child. He hurt and couldn't do anything but watch it all happen. While he was texting me about it, I cried. We were kindred spirits for a little while.

Later in the day, it seems as though he was punished because of his merciful heart. Bearing one another's burden, although the right thing to do, ended up hurting him too. 

And then, his heart was broken. As if the day couldn't get worse, it did. Being a mom yesterday was HARD! My best friend in high school and I used to analyze everything thing someone did to us to figure out the real reason behind the action. And yesterday, I found myself doing the same thing, except not for me, but for my child. Oh my! I needed to shake myself so I would quit! 

Texting back and forth with him was hard, but seeing his face at the end of the night was tough. Keeping my tears at bay was what he needed, but it was hard. I'm telling you motherhood isn't easy. It's rewarding, and knowing he wanted to see my face and hear my voice at the end of a very long and hard day was really perfect. I wouldn't give this mom thing up for anything. Sure, I think about it, HA! Don't you? But these kids are a gift from God, and they will forever be my treasures.

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